It’s been a busy start to our year at Leaaf– here are Leaaf’s January and February Superstars!

Every month, Leaaf employees are presented with an opportunity to anonymously acknowledge the hard work and extra effort of their coworkers by nominating them for a small bonus.  Votes are counted at the end of every month, and the list of nominations and comments is sent out to everybody via email and posted here.

January’s superstars are Maddy Fox, Kelly Caris, and Suzanne Sicotte!

Maddy received the following comments:

“For always being happy; that makes the day nicer.  All the work on the website and keeping a shirt on my back… literally.”
“Always personal, always helpful.”
“Hard worker, attention to detail.”

Kelly received the following comments:

“A reliable and compassionate worker whose presence at Leaaf remains strong depite her distance.”
“Always upbeat when you talk to her.  She’s a report workhorse.  She clearly works well independently and in a group.  And because she’s working in the frozen tundra.”

Suzanne received the following comments:

“Always a great attitude.”
“Works extra on weekends and always available for questions.”

February’s superstar is Madeline Dickson!

“She has taken on the role of manager with ease and grace.  She handles clients effortlessly and sticks to her guns.  She is a hard worker– stays late, assists when asked.  She is an A+ all-star.”
“For doing a great job being a manager.”

Congratulations to our January and Februrary Superstars!