With assistance from Leaaf, the City of Gretna received a Brownfields grant to remediate and redevelop an abandoned automotive service station into commercial property.
Former Haywilk Galvanizing Site
firefly-wp2024-03-27T10:55:25-05:00The former galvanizing site was historically used as a “hot dip” galvanizing facility. Leaaf completed a Phase I ESA (October 2011) prior to the client’s purchase of the property.
Rosenwald Recreation Center Gym and Grounds
firefly-wp2023-03-24T13:31:26-05:00Leaaf Environmental, LLC (Leaaf) was contracted by the City of New Orleans to provide personnel and equipment to perform a Phase II ESA (Additional Assessment) on the grounds of a local Recreation Center.
Habana Outpost, New Orleans (2013)
firefly-wp2023-08-17T12:16:42-05:00Leaaf Environmental, LLC (Leaaf) conducted an investigation of suspected Underground Storage Tanks (USTs) located at a historic filling station.
Brownfields Cleanup Grant for Timeless Treasures Historic Gas Station, New Iberia, LA (2009-2012)
firefly-wp2023-02-15T10:46:40-06:00Leaaf assisted the City of New Iberia in updating an outdated Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) in order to facilitate the final approval of the Environmental Protection Act (EPA) Cleanup Grant awarded to the City of New Iberia.