Leaaf worked with AKT Environmental Services to abate the iconic glass and steel greenhouse, donated in 1984 to the Audubon Louisiana Nature Center Campus.  Initially, Leaaf collected six subset samples from each side of the building and four subset samples from the planter boxes to make two composite samples for Toxic Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP) analysis for proper disposal.

Lead Air Monitoring and Visual Clearance

Leaaf’s Indoor Air Quality Team performed baseline lead soil surveys to identify and quantify the lead hazard present on site.  During abatement activities, Leaaf collected both area and personnel samples to determine if airborne lead dust above the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Permissible Exposure Limit (PEL) was present.  After abatement activities were completed, Leaaf performed a visual clearance inspection of the greenhouse and surrounding soil.  There were no paint chips or soil visible on the concrete floor of the greenhouse or interior planter boxes.  The excavated soil (8”-12” deep) along the perimeter of the greenhouse was removed with no visible paint chips on the surface of the soil.  The lead air quality was below the PEL for airborne lead and the work completed by AKT did not elevate the air quality with respect to lead.