Leaaf Environmental, LLC (Leaaf) was contracted by D&A Shipyards, LLC to perform the entirety of this project. The facility was constructed in 1938 and operated as a shipyard until closing in 2014. After the completion of a Phase I and a Phase II Environmental Site Assessment (ESA), Leaaf assisted with environmental compliance issues, submitted multiple Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality (LDEQ) permits, and completed inspections for the vessel and barge cleaning & repair facility located along the Harvey Canal.
LPDES Permit: Leaaf was hired to assist in completing a Louisiana Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (LPDES) Permit application in accordance with LDEQ’s Regulations (Louisiana Administrative Code [LAC], Title 33, Part IX – Water Quality) for vessel cleaning and/or repair facilities. Leaaf, in conjunction with facility personnel, worked to determine the location and quantity of all liquid storage containers, chemicals and piping. In addition, Leaaf utilized aerial photographs to develop a base drawing for the facility and supplemented the drawing with information gained from field visits. Once the facility became operational, Leaaf collected storm water samples and completed Discharge Monitoring Reports (DMR) reports.
SPCC Plan/SWPPP: Leaaf developed a SPCC Plan in accordance with LDEQ’s Regulations (LAC, Title 33, Part IX – Water Quality, Chapter 9). This included the development of the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP).
Air Quality Permit: Leaaf completed an Air Quality Permit in accordance with LDEQ’s Regulations (LAC, Title 33, Part III – Air Quality, Section 1323) for facilities engaged in abrasive blasting and painting.
CESQG Permit: Leaaf completed a Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generator (CESQG) permit in accordance with LDEQ’s Regulations (LAC, Title 33, Part V – Hazardous Waste, Section 5137)
Leaaf obtained a reuse permit from LDEQ for abrasive blasting material and continues to consult with D&A Shipyards on stormwater issues.