This Brownfields project was completed as part of the corporate agreement between the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality’s (LDEQ’s) Targeted Brownfields Assessment (TBA) program and Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA’s) Brownfield and Land Revitalization Program.
Background: The historic four-story Lincoln Hotel was opened in 1955. It was initially created as a place for African Americans to stay when they were almost always turned away from white-owned establishments. Legendary musicians from all across the world have stayed and performed, including Aretha Franklin, James Brown, BB King, Duke Ellington and more! The property has been vacant since the 1980s and will finally be restored.
In 2019, using EPA Assessment grant funding, the East Baton Rouge Planning Commission, on behalf of a prospective purchaser, obtained a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) and an Asbestos-Containing Materials (ACM) and a Lead-Based Paint (LBP) survey. The results reported that the property contained lead and asbestos. The new owner obtained a Limited Phase I ESA, which was completed on November 4, 2020.
Redevelopment: The historic Lincoln Hotel will be redeveloped into a mixed-use residential development. It will consist of 12 residential units with two commercial units below. The two commercial spaces will be a total of 4,000 square feet. A partnership and lease agreements with Metromorphis nonprofit and the Walls Foundation for a long-term lease in one of the two units are in negotiation.
Leaaf’s Role: Leaaf prepared a draft Analysis of Brownfields Cleanup Alternatives (ABCA) to identify and evaluate cleanup options and support renovation and redevelopment of the site. Remedial action alternatives and associated costs that were evaluated included a no action alternative, removal of all ACM and LBP, and removal of high-risk ACM and LBP. In addition, Leaaf prepared the Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) and a Clean-Up Plan to address ACM and LBP based on the preferred cleanup options. The ABCA, QAPP, and Clean-Up Plans were approved by LDEQ. Leaaf assisted the property owner in the preparation of bid specifications for ACM and LBP abatement. Leaaf will monitor abatement activities under contract to the South Central Planning and Development Commission (SPCDC).