Date: 2017 – present

Location: Abbeville, LA

Leaaf Environmental, LLC (Leaaf) was contracted by the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality (LDEQ) to carry out various work orders at Broussard Chemical Company – Main Warehouse, a site formerly used by Broussard Chemical Company (BCC).

Work Plan – Leaaf created a comprehensive Work Plan, Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC) Plan, and site specific Technical Sampling and Analysis Plan (SAP) to guide the site investigation, in compliance with LDEQ’s Risk Evaluation/Corrective Action Program (RECAP) guidelines.

Access Agreements – To ensure access to the property for environmental investigations, Leaaf worked with landowners to secure site access agreements.

Site investigations – Leaaf conducted multiple RECAP site investigations to investigate and delineate constituents of concern (COCs).  During these investigations, 16 boreholes were advanced up to 40 feet below ground surface, and soil samples were collected.   Nine temporary wells and three monitor wells were installed to collect groundwater samples.  Nearshore sediments were also sampled.  The COCs included volatile organic compounds (VOCs), semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOCs), pesticides, polychlorinated bipheynls (PCBs), metals, hydrocarbon fractions, and glycols.  Additionally, 18 borings were advanced to a depth of three feet to delineate ash observed near the surface.

Site investigations Reports – For each site investigation, Leaaf produced a RECAP Site Investigation Report, outlining the work performed and results of the sampling.