Rice Bowl Tank Farm

Location:   Abbeville, Louisiana

Objective: The Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality’s (LDEQs) objective for the Rice Bowl Tank Farm Site Investigation included collecting additional data and information for use in conjunction with existing data (JESCO 2014). The investigation included evaluating the extent of soil and groundwater impacted by the historical site operations. Periodic groundwater monitoring continues.

Work Plan:  A detailed work plan, quality assurance/quality control plan (QAPP), and technical sampling and analysis plan (SAP) were created by Leaaf in accordance with LDEQ’s Risk Evaluation/Corrective Action Program (RECAP) guidance (detailing the work to be performed at the site during the Site Investigations).  In addition, a Site-Specific Health & Safety Plan (HASP) was generated for field activities.

Access Agreements:  Leaaf coordinated with landowners to obtain site access agreements to allow access to the property to conduct environmental investigations.

Site Investigations:  Leaaf performed multiple RECAP site investigations to investigate and delineate constituents of concern (COCs).  The Site Investigations included, multiple borehole advancement and permanent monitoring well installation for locations advanced up to 40 feet below ground surface (bgs).  In addition, Leaaf obtained soil and groundwater samples with GPS coordinates for all borehole and monitoring well sample locations. Periodic groundwater monitoring continues at the site when requested by LDEQ.

Waste disposal Waste disposal included sampling and disposal of drill cuttings, decontamination water, monitoring well development water and purge water.

Site Investigations Reports:  Leaaf submitted a RECAP Site Investigation report and RECAP Evaluation report detailing the work performed and results of the sampling.  In addition, Leaaf submits periodic Groundwater Monitoring reports as requested by LDEQ.  Leaaf satisfied the LDEQ objective for this project by evaluating and documenting the impact and extent of COC contamination (as a result of historical site operations)