Contract: Leaaf was recently awarded a contract to conduct Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Targeted Brownfields Assessments (TBA) for the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality (LDEQ). The goal is to facilitate the cleanup and redevelopment of Brownfields sites throughout the state to encourage their reuse for economic development and/or community benefit. Leaaf services include the planning and performing of site investigations, consultations, development of remediation options, and additional environmental services for Brownfields sites as requested by local governmental or nonprofit entities or through LDEQs Brownfields Program.
The EPA Brownfields Program in Region 6 provides grants and technical assistance in Texas, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Arkansas, and Louisiana. Brownfields assistance can be used to assess, safely clean up and sustainably reuse contaminated properties.
Targeted Brownfields Assessments may encompass one or more of the following activities:
- An ASTM Phase I, which includes a background and historical investigation and site inspection;
- A full site assessment, including sampling activities to identify types and concentrations of contaminants and the areas of contamination that must be cleaned up; and
- The determination of how much more investigation is needed and/or the establishment of cleanup options and cost estimates based on future uses and redevelopment plans.
Leaaf is excited to continue its work with the LDEQ and EPA in the Brownfields arena helping local governments improve quality of life in communities across the state of Louisiana. Sites are currently being assessed in Baton Rouge, Opelousas, and Shreveport.