Leaaf Environmental, LLC (Leaaf) was contracted by the Jefferson Parish Economic Development Commission (JEDCO) to provide a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) funded though their Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Brownfields Coalition Assessment Grant.

The approximately 6-acre property known as Lot 2 is currently undeveloped, wooded land.  A gravel access road is present along the southern property boundary and extends parallel to a municipal drainage ditch and the Union Pacific Suspension Railway.  A new gravel/earthen access road and municipal drainage ditch have been constructed along the western property boundary.  Previous uses were unknown; however, the site is bordered by a state and federal highway where litter, dumping, and roadway runoff were of concern environmentally.

Following all site investigation activities and historical research conducted by an Environmental Professional, no environmental concerns were identified in connection with the property.  The property is planned to be developed as a new textile facility.