Contract: Leaaf is currently under contract with JESCO Environmental & Geotechnical Services, Inc. (JESCO) to assist them in the completion of numerous site investigations as part of the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPAs) Region 6 Targeted Brownfields Assessment (TBA) Program through JESCO's contract with the Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE) - New Orleans District. These projects included Phase I and II Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs), Risk Evaluation/Corrective Action Program (RECAP) Investigations, Clean-Up Plans, Asbestos and Lead Inspections, and Regulated Materials Surveys throughout Louisiana, Texas, Arkansas, Oklahoma, and New Mexico.
Morgan City Steam Plant: Funding for this project was provided by the EPA TBA Program. This project was tasked to JESCO via the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) by the EPA Region 6 in response to a request from the South Central Planning and Development Commission (SCPDC) to assess the potential for environmental impact or impairment on this site due to previous land use, site activity, or adjacent off-site activity. Leaaf completed a TBA Phase I ESA at a site occupied by a municipal steam plant that was constructed in 1963. The site consisted of five buildings, three cooling towers, and a water tower. Following the Phase I ESA, Leaaf prepared a TBA Cleanup Plan for management of asbestos-containing material (ACM) that currently remain at the site. The purpose of this plan was to provide recommendations that would help achieve a stable, safe environment suitable for future occupation and use. The plan presented abatement options and estimated costs for ACM removal and ACM management in place.