This project was completed as part of the corporate agreement between the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality’s (LDEQ’s) Targeted Brownfields Assessment (TBA) Program and Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA’s) Brownfield and Land Revitalization Program.

The Shreveport Common project is located at the southeast corner of the Shreveport Common Creative Placemaking revitalization project. This property, unused for decades, is situated in downtown Shreveport and has been slated for redevelopment.

Leaaf conducted a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) at the property in order to facilitate the transfer of the property as a donation from the City to Shreveport Common, which is in a better position to facilitate development of the property in accordance with the City’s redevelopment efforts and the Shreveport Common master plan. The site investigation concluded that there were no recognize environmental conditions (RECs), Historic RECs, Controlled RECs, Vapor Encroachment Conditions (VECs), or de minimis conditions associated with the subject property from past activities conducted at the site or adjacent and surrounding properties.

This site is part of the Shreveport Common redevelopment area, an economically disinvested area between downtown Shreveport and the more affluent suburbs. Shreveport Common purchased the site to position it for future redevelopment by a private developer, Shreveport Common, Inc. or the Shreveport Regional Arts Council. The site is also located on historic Texas Avenue, in a state designated historic district (Ledbetter Heights), in a US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Choice Neighborhood and Creative Placemaking revitalization area and target area, Shreveport Common. Also in the City Center Economic Development District, two blocks from the newly redeveloped Shreveport Common Park.

The proposed reuse is to continue efforts to add amenities to provide transitional housing and services for otherwise homeless families.

The project was completed well within budget and on time. Monthly progress reports were submitted to the LDEQ documenting progress throughout this project.