Contract:  Leaaf Environmental, LLC (Leaaf) is currently under contract with JESCO Environmental & Geotechnical Services, Inc. (JESCO) to assist them in the completion of numerous site investigations as part of the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA’s) Region 6 Targeted Brownfields Assessments (TBA) Program.  These projects included Phase I and II Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs), Environmental Risk Assessment Investigations, Clean-Up Plans, Asbestos and Lead Inspections, and Regulated Materials Surveys throughout Louisiana, Texas, Arkansas, Oklahoma, and New Mexico.

Targeted Brownfields Assessments may encompass one or more of the following activities:

  • An ASTM Phase I, which includes a background and historical investigation and site inspection;
  • A full site assessment, including sampling activities to identify types and concentrations of contaminants and the areas of contamination that must be cleaned up; and
  • The determination of how much more investigation is needed and/or the establishment of cleanup options and cost estimates based on future uses and redevelopment plans.

Location:  Dickens, Texas

Aerial Photo

Phase I ESA:  Leaaf conducted a Phase I ESA in accordance with ASTM E1527-13 Standard Practices for Environmental Site Assessments: Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Process and All Appropriate Inquiry on a 0.8-acre property in Dickens, Texas.  The project was tasked to Leaaf and JESCO by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) by EPA Region 6 in response to a request from the client to assess the potential for environmental impact or impairment on the site due to previous land use, site activity, or adjacent off-site activity.  The site was originally constructed in 1965 and opened under the name of Payless.  Fuel storage tanks for diesel and unleaded gasoline were installed in 2011.  The property was also developed with a carwash.

Recognized environmental conditions (RECs) included several previously removed underground storage tanks (USTs), car wash discharges, and two adjoining gasoline stations.  Based on the RECs identified, Leaaf recommended further evaluation of environmental risks that may be present at the property.  Based on the age of the facility, Leaaf identified the potential for presence of asbestos-containing material (ACM) and lead-based paint (LBP).

Future Use:  The site is proposed to be redeveloped as a filling and convenience store.  For east-bound traffic on Highway 82, there are currently no highway-accessible gas stations for a 60 mile stretch of road, making this site a potentially critical source of fuel for travelers.