Environmental Risk Management is a crucial aspect for commercial lenders, as it helps mitigate potential financial, legal, and reputational risks associated with environmental issues. Lenders need to assess and manage these risks to protect their portfolios and comply with regulations.
Lenders should adopt an Environmental Risk Management policy to gain a better understanding of the potential environmental risks associated with the properties or projects they are financing.
Desk Top Review:
Record Search with Risk Assessment (RSRA):
Third-Party Report Review:
Environmental Due Diligence:
Environmental Risk Management Team Training:
Emily Reeves, MSPH
Environmental Risk Assessment Division Manager
Kerry Meaux
Senior Project Manager / Business Development
Angie Hendrix, MSPH, CMC
Sr. Environmental Project Manager
Other Services
2301 Whitney Ave.
Gretna, LA 70056
504.342.2687 (phone)
504.342.2715 (fax)
1103 Balch Blvd. RM 135D
Stennis Space Center, MS 39529
504.342.2687 (phone)
504.342.2715 (fax)
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